20 May 2022

Positive Adoption Language Matters

In the adoption process – language matters! The way we talk and the words we choose begin early in an adoption journey. The use of positive adoption language by all involved is key. From the moment a woman is pregnant and needs help in considering planning an adoption, positive language matters. Words not only convey facts; they also evoke feelings. Choosing to use positive adoption language helps convey that adoption is not negative or second best. It is vital to convey a positive message about adoption. A child is the center of adoption, and positive language will have lifelong positive implications.
Examples of Positive Adoption Language Versus Negative Adoption Language are noted:

Placing a Baby for AdoptionPutting a baby up for adoption
Child Placed for AdoptionAn unwanted Child / Unwanted Pregnancy
Plan an adoptionGive up a child or giving away a baby
BirthparentReal parent
Was adopted   Is adopted
Unplanned pregnancyMistake
Chose AdoptionDiscarded or Unwanted pregnancy
BirthchildOwn child
Biological parent Natural parent
ParentAdoptive parent
SearchTrack down parents
Adoption TriadAdoption triangle
Choosing to parentKeeping her child
Terminate parental rights  Give up

By using positive adoption language, the message of adoption is conveyed in a positive light and there is an opportunity to educate others. Birthparents, adoptive parents, extended family, and friends’ use of positive adoption language will soon become the norm with lifelong positive implications. 

Adoption Partners of Michigan serves all areas in the state of Michigan, including the Detroit area, Saginaw, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, and Traverse City areas to name a few.   We at Adoption Partners of Michigan are strong, non-judgmental advocates for all pregnant moms looking to make adoption decisions. If you are experiencing an unintentional pregnancy and need help contact us for confidential information about your options.