We’re excited to announce that Michelle Dykema and Jennifer Jaworski have joined
Michigan attorney, Christopher Swartz, in launching “Adoption Partners of Michigan,”
a licensed child placing agency (formerly Swartz Adoption Agency).
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Why Choose Adoption Partners of Michigan?

Advice and support

We understand that everyone’s situation is unique. With over 60 years of combined experience in adoption we are here to help you. We’ve worked with hundreds of birth parents and adoptive parents who’ve chosen adoption.

Flexibility to serve you better

Adoption Partners is a 24/7 agency because we know life doesn’t wait! Whether it's conversations with Birth Parents or Zoom calls with families considering adoption we are here.

Safe Delivery

Experts in adoption

If you need a home study, our experienced caseworkers will expertly guide you through the process. As a licensed Michigan agency, we specialize in serving expectant parents who are considering infant adoption for their babies. And we are ready to help with Safe Delivery placements anywhere in Michigan.








Are you pregnant in and looking for information about adoption?

Frequently Asked Questions

We know you have a lot of choices and we’re glad that you’re considering us! We’re passionate about providing personal yet professional adoption services as a licensed adoption agency. Our staff are personally touched by adoption and have many years of experience providing top-notch adoption services.
If we’re completing your home study, you can expect it to take not more than three months. After the home study is complete, we’ll present your profile as often as we can. How long you might wait to be matched will depend on several variables, including the characteristics you are open to in adoption. We do our best to keep your wait time to a minimum, while also encouraging you to spread the word about your hope for adoption in your own circles!
We’re pleased to work with married couples and single applicants. Anyone wishing to work with Adoption Partners must obtain an approved home study, and it’s during the home study process that you’re deemed to be capable of providing a safe, healthy, and loving family for a child.
This is an agreement between the birth and adoptive parents which occurs during the match process, in which they decide on levels of communication or sharing of information as the child grows. We work with all parties to have a full understanding of the value of openness and are there to support the agreement.
Adoption Partners identifies the necessary expenses to be covered for the birth mother by the adoptive family. These expenses must be carefully monitored and reported to court. They can include things like actual medical costs not covered by insurance, assistance with transportation costs, urgent housing needs, and even some basics like food and clothing.

We are proud to serve clients who are part of the LGBTQI+ community! If you are hoping to adopt a child or are considering placing a child for adoption, we look forward to talking with you.

Our Waiting Families


Hard to believe our sweet girl turned one today. There aren't really words to tell you how blessed we feel to know our sweet daughter. We just wanted to say thank you and to let you know that what you do matters! The integrity that all of you have and the way you fight for these birth moms/families and babies matters! We are so proud and honored to have worked with all of you! While we wish we could have a relationship with our daughter's birth mom (and hope maybe someday she will choose that), we know, without a doubt, that you did everything you could for her. We can't thank you enough for that!!
- Adoptive Parents

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