Who is wondering, Should I put my baby up for adoption?
You might have some assumptions when you think of who’s considering ‘putting my baby up for adoption’ but that image you picture of a young, pregnant woman is probably not totally accurate. So, let’s imagine a few scenarios together.
She may have just found out she’s pregnant and she isn’t sure what to do. She’s probably on her smartphone and searching for things like ‘I’m pregnant, what do I do?’ or ‘pregnant options’. She might even know a little about adoption and be searching phrases like ‘put my baby up for adoption’ or ‘adoption agencies in Michigan’ or ‘pregnant, adoption option’. It’s so important then, that she find accurate, nonjudgmental, and comprehensive information, which is what she will find if she lands on Adoption Partners of Michigan.
Or maybe the person searching online for information is her counselor or medical provider. Maybe he or she is looking for ‘Michigan adoption’ or ‘local adoption agency’. This person can provide the best information to his or her client or patient by also finding accurate, full information on what it means to make an adoption plan, what are the expectant parent’s options, and connecting with a licensed, professional, experienced agency; information that can be found here: https: //adoptionpartnersmi.org/pregnant/
An expectant parent who’s considering adoption could be:
- in her teens, 20s, 30s, or 40s
- married, divorced, or single, in a relationship with the dad or with someone who’s not the dad
- still in school, not working or working part-time or full-time, working in any type of profession
- experiencing her first pregnancy or already had children by birth, she could have previously placed a child for adoption or had an abortion
- she may already be a mom but can’t do it again, or maybe she doesn’t want to have a baby now, or maybe never wants to be a parent
She could be your daughter, sister, neighbor, coworker, classmate, cousin, friend, partner, etc. Maybe she is feeling overwhelmed. She is probably feeling the burdens of life that make it hard to imagine adding a baby to the mix; maybe she struggles with finances, holding a job, having the needed support of loved ones, having a safe place to stay. And maybe she’s experienced the struggles of substance use or medical or mental health challenges. But then she could also be someone that you think has it all pulled together with everything going for her. Please consider that she could be any young woman you know or meet. It is so important that you are sensitive to her unique situation, without stereotyping or judging. And offer to help and support her. Start by connecting her with Adoption Partners of Michigan, a local adoption agency, a Michigan adoption agency.