What is ‘Safe Delivery’ or ‘Safe Haven’ adoption?
Every U.S. state has a ‘safe delivery’ or ‘safe haven’ law, which aims to prevent unsafe child abandonment. In Michigan, a newborn baby’s parent can safely, legally, and confidentially surrender the baby at a hospital, fire department, police station, or by calling 9-1-1. A licensed Michigan adoption agency is contacted, and the agency places the baby directly into the care of an adoptive family. There is an approved list of Michigan Adoption Agencies and Adoption Partners of Michigan is uniquely skilled and experienced in handling these cases. You can find more information on our website: https://adoptionpartnersmi.org/safe-delivery/
If you are wondering if you should place baby up for adoption and want to know that a trusted, local, Michigan adoption agency will be involved, please contact us; we are happy to provide information that is non-judgmental and non-coercive. And if you want more information about Michigan’s Safe Delivery law check out this website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/safety-injury-prev/safe-delivery/are-you-a-parent
If you are an emergency service provider, we want to be a local adoption agency resource for you in understanding Michigan’s Safe Delivery procedure. We can also provide a unique Safe Delivery training for hospital staff and other emergency service providers. Call us today if you have any questions and be sure to reach out if you have a situation that you’d like guidance on. As Michigan adoption experts – we can help!
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Text :(989) 262-0032
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